MOTHER`S DAY- A good time to adjust your own life balance
Released on = March 13, 2006, 9:25 am
Press Release Author = It\'s Time To Change
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = "We are what our parents make us - but it need not hold us back. An experienced life balance and self development coach, Jean Hall, tells us how."
"We are what our parents make us - but it need not hold us back. An experienced life balance and self development coach, Jean Hall, tells us how." "We are what our parents make us - but it need not hold us back. An experienced life balance and self development coach, Jean Hall, tells us how." We are what our parents make us - but it need not hold us back. An experienced life balance and self development coach, Jean Hall, tells us how.
Press Release Body = We all have a mother and a father and, of course, most of us remember them especially on their special days. But now it could be time to go beyond cards and flowers. We all owe a deep debt of gratitude to our parents for creating us in the first place, then for giving us roots in a secure environment to progress from infancy to adolescence. The best parents of all then gave us wings so that we could explore the world and soar to the heights of our own vast potential. According to life coach Jean Hall of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, this is an ideal situation but, alas, one that a great many people feel they have lost out on. Jean is a self development and life balance coach and tells us that many of our attitudes to work, relationships and life in general are coloured by how close our childhood came to this ideal. She points out that any couple can become parents without any training, lessons or experience. So, it is not surprising that many fall short of the perfection that we might have felt was our due. Jean Hall again: \"The key to overcoming any resentment or regret is forgiveness. After all, what has been done cannot be undone and you are what you are. You are also what you think, so Mother\'s Day is a great time to eliminate any negative thinking about your parents.\" She continues: \"They did the very best that they could with the knowledge that was available to them at the time. So, like most of us, it is hardly surprising that they may have made a few mistakes along the way.\" Jean excludes from this general observation parents who wilfully mistreat their children. These individuals will require a greater effort for forgiveness but it is an effort well-worth making. Some of her coaching clients are held back in achieving the great things in life because there is simply no room to let them in. She explains it like this, \"If you harbour a grudge or resentment, it will fester and impact on everything else that you do and that is like trying to climb uphill carrying a huge bag on your back. In her ebook, It\'s Time to Change, Jean suggests that we should take time to examine the contents of this bag, decide why we are carrying them and how we can dispose of them, and provides the tools for doing this. \"If it becomes apparent that a client is being held back by some imagined past injustice, I ask them three simple questions. \'Could you let that feeling go?\' \'Would you let it go?\' \'When?\'\" Their answers invariably lead to the client becoming aware of the way forward and going for it. This process also has a positive impact for clients who are parents themselves. In understanding their own parents, they find a greater understanding of their own children. Jean Hall is always happy to discuss this or other aspects of her approach to coaching, absolutely free of any cost and without obligation. She can be contacted in various ways. By telephone on 01223 464731 or 07732 851902 By email Or through her web site We give her the last word. \"In the final analysis we all have a choice. We can carry negativity and bitterness with us to the grave or we can decide to change, right now, to let it go and replace it with happiness and love. Share that love with your parents before it is too late.\" ENDS 597 WORDS Notes for editors: Jean Hall is available for interview and photographs. She can be contacted by telephone on 01223 464731 or 07732 851902, by email or through her web site
Web Site =
Contact Details = Jean Hall 29 Sherlock Close Cambridge , NE30 1JZ $$country
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